
There's a stage all young children go through - no longer a baby, but not yet a fully-fledged toddler! The Explorers is where our older babies/younger toddlers can progress and continue to discover the world among friends of the same stage before they move to our Adventurer Room. It is three rooms joined together to create an open space with plenty of opportunity for varied activities!

This fun room is a special area for those older babies who are getting really active, and walking well. There is a move towards more independence in their play which is fostered by the introduction of lots of imaginative materials. These materials have been chosen for their potential to draw the children in, making them want to stay a while, explore a little (or a lot), try new things, create and wonder. For this reason a great deal of observation goes on by staff in order to discuss and reflect on what is happening for the children. When Lauren and Lucy decide what to introduce to them next, they take things slowly and simply, giving the children the chance to explore materials in different ways

Parents will see the children’s ‘story’ on the wall. This will show pictures and documentation of what is happening at the moment for the children and informs our plans. These are very fluid and flexible and we welcome parents adding something that their child has found fascinating. This often leads to new and unexpected experiences for the teachers and children alike!

Language is often taking a real leap forward at this age and lots of chatter and singing takes place. Much more interest in each other becomes apparent and the children are starting to become collaborative and begin to understand that they are part of a wider group. This realisation can lead to a surge in independence, wanting to toilet train and do more things for themselves. We can support the children and families with this!

Most (but not all) children get tired and need to sleep - usually after lunch unless your child’s routine is different. Children rest in our cosy snug for as long as they need, and come back to the afternoon’s activities refreshed and happy.

We encourage outdoor play as much as possible and there is a door straight out onto the decking giving heaps of opportunity to be outside running and trying out the wheelie toys. An all-in-one suit is provided for play in our huge mud-pit and garden, and outdoor activities are supported and planned by our Outdoors team.